Whole Wheat Chocolate Cinnamon Rolls with Pistachios + Orange Icing (vegan!)

Any plans for Valentine’s Day? I know mine is going to be absolutely KILLER because I’ll be at the Mariah Carey concert in Vegas. Talk about a true dream come true for this girl.

Seriously, I begged Tony for 6 months to get me those tickets and finally got them for Christmas. BEST GIFT EVER.

Another great gift for the valentine in your life? These beautiful cinnamon rolls with…

Wait for it…




And they’re vegan too!

Absolutely certain you need these in your life now, right?

I created this recipe in partnership with my grocery-delivery friends over at Peapod. They asked me to create a recipe for their recipe site for Valentine’s Day. At first I thought about french toast, but come on… it’s just french toast. So then I started dreaming about things I could stuff in a cinnamon roll and found a jar of Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut Butter from a previous Peapod delivery.

As soon as I knew it, I was spreading chocolate on the dough and glazing them with sweet orange icing. Somehow all the flavors in this recipe just work. I would know, I tested them three times and made Tony eat each version. Hah.

Let’s chat quickly about a few things so you can make sure this recipe is a success!

Coconut milk: We’re using it from the can, not the carton.

Coconut sugar: If you don’t have this on hand, regular sugar will work just fine. Although I do recommend organic cane sugar if it is available to you.

Whole Wheat Pastry Flour: This is basically a lighter version of whole wheat flour. It’s fine and resembles regular flour, except it still has all the nutrition of regular whole wheat flour. I mean, I guess I tried to make these a little better for you than Cinnabon. Ha!

Chocolate Hazelnut Butter: I use Justin’s or sometimes just make my own chocolate almond butter and use that! You could also be a complete badass and use nutella. It’s all up to what you’re feeling.

Let me know if you have other questions about this recipe!

Whole Wheat Chocolate Cinnamon Rolls with Pistachios + Orange Icing (vegan!)

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 cinnamon roll (based on 9)

Recipe type: Breakfast, Brunch, Valentine's Day, Dessert, Whole Grain, Vegan

Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 


  • 1 cup canned lite coconut milk

  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil

  • 3 tablespoons coconut sugar

  • 1 packet active dry yeast (about 2 1/4 teaspoons)

  • 3 cups whole wheat pastry flour

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

  • 1/2 cup chocolate hazelnut butter*

  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon

  • 1/2 cup shelled pistachios, chopped

  • zest of 1 orange

  • For the Orange icing:

  • 1/2 cup vegan powdered sugar

  • 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice

  • 1/4 teaspoon orange zest
